
Hello and welcome to my website!

About me

I’m a first-year PhD student at McGill University and Mila where I am advised by Prof. Jackie Cheung. I am interested in ways of using and developing NLP techniques to further scientific research.

Before starting my PhD, I earned a master’s degree in Computer Science from McGill University where I worked with Prof. Cheung along with Prof. Samira Rahimi on leveraging NLP techniques to assist health researchers in their analysis of patient-care data. Before my master’s, I earned a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science (Joint Major) from Concordia University.

In terms of research services, I am currently an organizer for the McGill NLP reading group (really more of a seminar series). Before that, I was the organizer of the Mila Health and AI reading group (March 2022 to March 2023).

Recent News

  • July 2024: Better late than never! I have made a webpage for the Comp 330 (Theory of Computation) class I taught in the Fall 2023. Resources like lecture notes and assignments are now publicly accessible! This compliments a previous post I made recounting my teaching experience.

  • May 2024: I gave a lecture on NLP to the 2024 cohort of AI4Good students!