I have had the pleasure to tutor students, TA and teach classes in different areas of Mathematics and Computer Science. Some of my teaching material is available on my youtube channel.

Theoretical Computer Science

I had the pleasure of serving as a TA and instructor for the theoretical computer science classes at both Concordia and McGill. I have developed a dedicated webpage for this material (still a work in progress) which you can find here. I am hoping to add more sections by the end of Summer 2024 🤞.

Theory of Computation (Comp 330)

I was extremely lucky to teach the Theory of Computation class at McGill University (also known as Comp 330) during the Fall 2023 semester. I had an unbelievably good time and I hope my students did as well! I have collected a few of my favourite moments and have posted them here. The class webpage can be found here.

In addition to teaching the course, I had the pleasure of serving as a TA for Prof. Panangaden in the Fall 2022 term and Prof. Crépeau in the Winter 2023 and Winter 2024 term. I held office hours, graded assignments and exams as well as guest lectured for Prof. Panangaden on the Myhill-Nerode theorem. I am excited to TA this class again in the Fall 2024 term.

Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science (Comp 335)

I had the pleasure of serving as a TA for the (Intro to) Theoretical Computer Science class at Concordia University (known as COMP 335) on three occasions (Summer 2020, Fall 2020 and Summer 2021) during which I held tutorial sessions and graded assignments. Each of these semesters have playlists on my channel which include tutorial recordings and midterm/final exam review videos. You can also find some of the material that I developed with Tianyi Liu and Prof. Nematollaah Shiri here.

Discrete mathematics/Linear Algebra (Comp 232/Math 251)

I developed some additional resources related to discrete mathematics (e.g., mathematical induction) and linear algebra (e.g., linear subspaces) that I continue to use in my tutoring work. Both can be found on my channel.


If you have any suggestions for my teaching material, feel free to contact me. I am always open to new ideas and would love to hear from you!