Context-Free Grammars (CFGs) and Context-Free Languages (CFLs)
This section will be about context-free grammars and languages. It will also feature the notion of ambiguous context-free grammars. I will present the definition of context-free grammars and languages. I will also discuss what it means for them to be ambiguous. Lots of exercises about creating CFGs to generate languages can be found at the end of this section. You can find the notes related to this section here.
What is a context-free grammar?
In the previous section, we said that grammars are these language generators which produce the strings contained in a language. We said that the type of a grammar depends on what form its production rules can take. For linear grammars, we saw that this was any rule of the form \(V \rightarrow T^* \cdot (V \cup \{\lambda\}) \cdot T^*\) (slight abuse of notation here). We will see in the next video that context-free grammars are, in some sense, a “looser” version of linear grammars. This loosening of restrictions allows context-free grammars to generate many of the languages we previously saw were not regular such as \(a^nb^n\) and \(\{w w^R\}\). However, as we’ll discuss later on, CFGs still have some limitations in what they can generate. I encourage you to think of what languages can’t be generated by CFGs after finishing this section.
Video on the way! Refer to slides for now.
Derivation order and ambiguity
You might have noticed that there are grammars \(G\) that can generate the same string \(w\) in multiple different ways. This notion of having multiple ways of generating strings is formalized by introducing the concepts of derivation order and ambiguity. Another closely related concept is that of parse trees.
Videos on the way! Refer to slides for now.
- \(aabb\)
- \(aaba\)
- \(aaaba\)
- \(baba\)